Welcome ISER XXV Biennial Meeting
Dear colleagues and friends,
It is with great pleasure to welcome you to the XXVth biennial meeting of the International Society of Eye Research (ISER) to be held on the beautiful shores of the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
As the local organizer and the Scientific program chair, I welcome you to join the international eye and vision researchers from across the globe, for what plans to be an engaging scientific program covering many different sections, from basic research of the different ocular tissues, through to translation into ophthalmic therapeutics. We have been overwhelmed by the response of our members in proposing insightful and diverse scientific sessions, and together with our esteemed Section organizers, we have invited leading experts to organize these sessions to put a program together than will deliver what is shaping up to be one of the most memorable ISER meetings to date.
As with all ISER meetings, we especially look forward to welcoming our early career researcher, especially any new eye researchers, to present their work not only to their peers, but to world class leaders in their respective fields. There will be many networking opportunities and activities on offer, along with a large number of travel awards to support our early career researchers. I can think of no better introduction to the global eye research community than in this intimate and relaxed setting that we have planned.

The XXVth Biennial Meeting
Learn more about the Meeting and discover the City!
Read more about the International Society for Eye Research, which topics will be covered at the XXVth Biennial Meeting, and other useful information.
How to get there?
Learn more about how to fly to the Gold Coast from your destination, organize your visa requirements & book your airport transfer if needed.
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ISER offers many membership benefits including substantially reduced registration fees for ISER’s Biennial Meetings and off-year meetings and symposia, held in various locations around the world. And even more benefits for Early Career Researcher!
Click here to find out about the membership categories & many memebership benefits!
Support Early Career Researchers!
Your meeting registration supports the Early Career Researcher Travel Fellowship. The membership fee for one year is less than the price difference between the member fee and the non-member fee for registration, so you will always benefit from being an ISER Member!
Numbers of ISER 2023
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